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Download our Future Cities report

Our paper maps out four possible future scenarios for cities, to explore how our urban spaces could potentially change and develop over the next decade, as well as the strategic implications for stakeholders. The four models work from worst through to best case scenario, exploring the key characteristics and defining features of each potential outcome. Our actions today have a direct impact on which of these futures becomes a reality – which is why the paper also outlines our ‘Six Principles of Urbanisation’. These act as a guide and inspiration for successful urbanisation going forward.


Read our paper here

FOU report web
FOU report web

Download our Cities Manifesto

As a landlord, developer and a shaper of places, Landsec invests in, contributes to and benefits from
successful cities. Our success is intrinsically linked to shaping places that drive good, clean growth
and by bringing communities together to help them thrive for the long-term.

Whether it is badged as devolution, levelling up or urban regeneration, we want to play our part in
contributing to a renaissance of the UK’s cities; it’s in our interests, it’s in the national interest and it’s
in the interest of all those who live, work and play in cities across the country.


Read our Manifesto here

Cities Manifesto
Cities Manifesto

Get in touch

Sara Doggett

Sara Doggett

Head of Corporate Affairs

+44 20 7413 9000