Our vision is to be the best property company in the UK in the eyes of our stakeholders. To achieve this, we have to understand the needs of those stakeholders, and the most effective way to engage with them. 

Our stakeholder engagement policy formally documents and outlines our commitment and approach to inclusive stakeholder engagement.

Through our stakeholder policy we will:

  • Engage with our stakeholder groups to develop and maintain positive, productive relationships
  • Ensure that all key stakeholders are well informed and have access to information about our business and our activities
  • Involve our stakeholders in identifying issues which are material to our business
  • Implement initiatives and programmes that contribute to sustainable development and generate shared value
  • Benchmark our stakeholder engagement performance and continuously identify areas for improvement


Our customers are those who occupy or visit our buildings. That includes everyone from the businesses in our office space – and their employees and guests – to the retail and leisure brands in our centres and outlets; from shoppers and visitors on a day out to people who live in one of our buildings.

Businesses want us to understand their changing requirements and provide affordable and sustainable space, and responsive services, that help them compete, grow and develop. Consumers, visitors and residents want us to provide fabulous space and services that add to their shopping, leisure and home experience.

Engagement in action

We run regular engagement surveys with our customers and continue to expand the services we provide to meet their needs. Our Sustainability Team work in close partnership with customers to deliver energy, carbon and cost savings as well as delivering sustainability initiatives at our destinations which engage and benefit our guests.


Our communities are those who live in areas where we work, such as local residents, businesses, schools and charities. Local people and groups want us to enhance the physical and social infrastructure in their area, helping their community to thrive.

Working in collaboration with our partners, our community support is wide-ranging: from providing work experience and routes to employment to helping students and addressing social issues. We always listen to and consult with residents, businesses and community groups when we develop a new asset, and our Community Liaison Managers create opportunities for dialogue with local people.

Engagement in action

We consult with local residents, businesses and community groups whenever we develop a new asset. We use surveys and meetings to ensure we understand and address their views and keep them up to date with development plans.

Find out how we engage our communities through our community programmes here.

Intro to property development
Engaging local school students in our "Introduction to property development" programme


Our partners are those who have a direct working or contractual relationship or share a mutual interest with us. This includes our joint venture partners, service providers and their employees, suppliers and their employees, local and central government, NGOs, trade bodies and industry organisations.

From procurement to planning, partners want us to be a trustworthy party that lives up to its promises. We work to find mutually effective ways to communicate and collaborate with each group, with the highest standards of health, safety and security underpinning everything we do.

Engagement in action

We have a diverse range of partners but sustainability is becoming an increasingly key area for all. We work closely with our joint venture partners to set and achieve shared sustainability ambitions.

Service partner agreements now fully integrate with our sustainability targets and expectations, and we are working closely with out supply partners using our Sustainability charter for suppliers and Sustainability Brief for developments to tackle problems such as poor labour standards, reliance on fossil fuels for material production and health and safety challenges.


Our employees are those who are directly employed by Landsec. Employees are looking for a great career experience and a positive environment in which they can thrive.

We aim to create a dynamic and diverse team, with everyone brought together in world-class workspace. We help our employees to learn and grow, providing training at every stage of their career.

Inclusion, equal pay and good communications are central to our offer, and we provide a wide range of support for employees’ physical and mental wellbeing.

Engagement in action

The impact of Covid-19 on ways of working was a focal point for employee feedback, which we gathered quarterly. We measured
engagement on a scale of 1-10, with the average score being 7.6, and an average response rate of 58%. This relatively high engagement score was consistent throughout the year, employees appreciating Landsec’s response to the pandemic, and the fact that no employees were furloughed.

Working closely with our Employee Forum, we have adapted our approach to surveys this year, and the data has been vital to continuing to adapt our ways of working in response to the pandemic. We ran a full survey in May in response to the first lockdown, followed by quarterly surveys in June, September and December. We’re also measuring readiness, as an indicator of how colleagues feel about returning to our offices. The main concerns have been virus transmission and using public transport. We’ve addressed these as part of our Covid-19 response. Where we’ve communicated survey results, we’ve also said what we’ve done in response to previous surveys.