Customer engagement programme to collaborate with customers on energy efficiency, helping them to identify energy efficiencies in their spaces

Using less energy is fundamental if we’re to meet our long-term emission targets and keep making our spaces affordable for customers.

A key way we can reduce carbon is by lowering the energy use of our operational assets, and this has the additional benefit of reducing our customers’ energy costs. In line with our ISO 50001 Energy Management System, every property we operate has its own energy reduction plan. These plans look at retrofitting energy-efficient equipment, optimising our buildings to use less energy, and working with our customers to reduce the energy they use in their spaces. Our ISO Certification can be found here.

Recognising that approximately 40% of all energy consumption comes from our occupiers’ use of our buildings, we launched a customer engagement programme to raise awareness, change behaviour and identify opportunities for collaborating on energy and cost savings.

Working with these customers and energy specialists we have been: 
•    Running energy audits with data analysis and a site visit to understand data trends, anomalies and opportunities
•   Using energy-efficiency questionnaires for customers’ employees to capture their opinions, attitudes and ideas on reducing energy
•    Running interactive workshops to raise awareness of net zero carbon and discuss energy use
•    Making recommendations to improve efficiency 

To further raise awareness and drive energy efficiency we entered 80-100 Victoria Street, One New Change and New Street Square into the CUBE competition. CUBE’s goal is to help landlords and their occupiers improve energy efficiency through gamification and behaviour change. Participants are ranked monthly on which building has registered the largest percentage energy reduction, measured from their own historic baseline of energy use. 

We entered One New Change into the CUBE competition to improve energy efficiency