Land Securities, meet Landsec

Miles Webber

by Miles Webber

Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability

Our new brand isn’t just a new name and logo, it’s founded on a brand idea and a philosophy that moves us on from the idea of placemaking into a focus on customers and experiences. 


We’ve been a defining figure in the UK property market since 1944 and our vision remains the same - to be the best property company in the UK for our customers and communities, our partners and employees. 

Building on who we are as a business and our values, we have evolved an exciting new brand. It’s rooted in our belief that great places are for people to experience, and made with the experience of great people.

It provides a benchmark and acts as our inspiration, distilling everything we’ve achieved and all we aspire to into one brand idea which the whole organisation can unite behind. 

Everything is experience

We know to shape the best experiences, we must anticipate and deliver what the world wants from us, as well as what it doesn’t know it needs yet. 

It’s more than creating new buildings, places and new environments. The way people live, work and play is always evolving and changing, so we need a brand that can help us respond, anticipate and own that space. 

Experience isn’t placemaking. It’s bigger than why you go where you go, or what happens in a workplace or retail environment. It happens in people’s minds. 

Landsec is our new contemporary name for our people-focussed company. We’ve started this with our own HQ at 80-100 Victoria Street. BREEAM Outstanding and award-winning, it’s built with sustainability, health and well-being at its very core. Owning the experience of customers and service means we can focus on our people, our partners, their experience - and the experiences we deliver - to take us there. 

We believe great places are for people to experience and made with the experience of great people

Creating experiences

We create great experiences for our people. Shaping the future by anticipating changing needs, understanding lifestyles and building communities people want to live in is a philosophy that runs right through our business. Whatever point you meet Landsec, from employee to resident, consumer to investor – we want you to have a positive, constructive, rewarding experience. 

Everything, from how we communicate with each other to how we build a thriving new community. From the relationships we develop with suppliers to the interactions we have with our customers. And the way we manage our occupiers to the brands we create for our developments. 

Brand Guidelines

Everything is experience
Not Experience is everything

It’s not the other way around, in fact, we think that’s a different idea altogether and one that puts the focus on just our expertise. That’s not who we are, or how we work. 

Evolution not revolution

Putting brand at the heart of the business is evolution, not revolution. We’re immensely proud of what we’ve achieved, and our brand evolution provides us with a clear focus - and a flexible foundation - for everything that is to come.