Sustainability policies and guidance
We’ve created a number of procedures and policies to make sure we act responsibly in everything we do.
Community Charter
Our Community Charter is a set of commitments that we as a responsible developer and landlord must stick to in order to involve and engage our communities throughout the development process and beyond. Empowering our communities to collaborate and partner with us will ultimately help us create fun, safe, beautiful and exciting places for the future.
Sustainability policy
This policy sets out our overarching commitment to sustainability and outlines our statement of intent and the principles upon which our corporate strategy is founded.
This policy is supported in more detail by our policies, commitments and guidance documents relating to specific areas of sustainability including: Human Rights, Environment and Energy, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.
Employee Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct is not just about policies. It's about the way we behave every day. It's about the way we treat our customers, both internally and externally. And it's about the way we live our values. We want to ensure our people have the guidance they need to make the right decisions.
Environment & Energy Policy
This policy sets out our intent and commitment to managing our business activities with minimal impact on the natural environment.
Equal Opportunities Policy
Equal opportunity is about good employment practices and efficient use of our most valuable assets, namely our employees. It is our policy to appoint, train, develop and promote based on merit and ability alone.
Human Rights and Modern Slavery Policy
This policy formally documents and outlines our statement of commitment and core principles to respect the human rights of all those who work on behalf of Landsec.
Health & Safety Policy
This policy provides a framework, which defines how the Company will manage Occupational Health & Safety throughout its operations. It also provides the foundation for our certification to the H&S standard ISO 45001:2018.
Health & Wellbeing Policy
This policy addresses our obligations under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, which is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain. It also helps us to comply with other relevant statutory provisions, including The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and the Equality Act 2010.
Mental Health First Aid Policy
This policy outlines our approach to Mental Health First Aiders in the workplace by setting out guidance in terms of the role of the Mental Health First Aider, the responsibilities for employers and expectations and support for employees. This policy is applicable to all of our employees.
Nature Strategy
Our nature strategy details our vision for nature, how we deliver it through our three core principles and the targets and guidance we’ve developed to make it possible within our development schemes and operational places.
Harassment and Bullying Policy and Procedure
This policy covers all employees, officers, consultants, contractors, casual workers and agency workers. It covers harassment and bullying which occurs at work and out of the workplace, such as on business trips or at work-related events or social functions.
Materials Brief
This document contains the material requirements for common materials used on Landsec development and portfolio projects. It also sets out the materials we prohibit use of in our construction activities based on health impacts, responsible sourcing, embodied impact and resource efficiency considerations.
Responsible Property Investment Policy
This policy sets out our commitment and approach to managing aspects of sustainability throughout the acquisition and disposal of assets.
Right to Work Policy
This policy is intended to provide best practice guidance to those assigned responsibility in performing right to work checks across our supply chain
Speak Up Policy
This policy is designed to encourage our employees at all levels including contractors (referred to as “Staff”), our suppliers and occupiers/tenants of our premises to raise concerns or report any suspected wrongdoing.
Stakeholder Engagement Policy
The purpose of this policy is to formally document and outline our commitment and approach to inclusive stakeholder engagement.
Our Supply Chain Commitment
We value our relationship with our suppliers and want to build long-lasting partnerships. The document outlines our commitments as we work and innovate together, delivering a sustainable future for all.
Sustainable Development Toolkit
Our new Sustainable Development Toolkit translates our Build well, Live well, Act well framework into a guide to ensure that we design and develop our new schemes and major refurbishments in line with our sustainability vision, commitments and targets.